Monday, May 11, 2015

Scar Tissue in the Uterus-A Woman's Quest for Baby! What you might not know.

Before I left for Florida for the Comcast President's Club trip, I had one of the last exams of my uterus.  They were re checking the lining.  Two weeks prior they found something.  They weren't sure.  It could be scar tissue from the c section.  They weren't sure.  They wanted me to wait for my period and schedule my next HSG; that's the X ray test that examines the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the surrounding area. 

I wasn't thrilled but the new doctor at Shady Grove reassured me that it could be just build up from my lining and that my body will shed it.  Okay.  I bet that's what it is. 

I waited two weeks.  The uterine lining check appointment.  I was brought in by my previous fertility doctor (into the big office, uh-oh this is not good news), the one I trusted and saw for two years before the birth of my daughters, and told that I had such severe scar tissue that it would be dangerous to carry a child.  He drew some diagram of what it looked like.  He tried to show me and my husband what it looked like on 3 D sonogram images.  I was dumbfounded.

He said he rarely sees scar tissue of that magnitude in his office.  He described it like a ditch. He asked me if I had had an emergency c section.  Yep I did.  Twins.  Couldn't get one baby out.  Healing took forever.  The scar hurts sometimes.  Wow.  Are you kidding?  I have one day 6 blastocyst left.  I would love a son. A boy. Oh gosh. What now?

I consulted my OB, a lovely human being.  She delivered my daughters.  She has said in her practice she has only seen rare cases of scar tissue that would prohibit another c section.  A vaginal birth could cause hemorrhaging and possible dramatic consequences.  The baby and mother.  Can't talk about it.  I'm trying to not overthink all of this.

I want to say something to the Mom's out there.  You are simply amazing for all that you do-whether you've given birth, adopted or both or fostered or all three, you have strength beyond what you think is possible.  Congratulations on being the FANTASTIC YOU THAT YOU ARE. 

Thank you also to my doctors who know how much I care about family.  I go in near the end of the month for an HSG.  If the fluid leaks out, it's a NO.  If it stays in, we could be in good shape.  They say FDA rules will not allow me to have a surrogate carry our embryo.  I'm looking into that.

Whatever the outcome, I'm grateful for my girls and love spending time with them, whenever I can! 

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