Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Going back to Modeling and Day 26 in FET-older women in Pregnancy


Last week was a blast working with little Ava, my model daughter for the day.  After several years as a Mom I was back to work on set.  This often happens when I'm in the throws of trying to have a baby or when I'm pregnant.  If video works below, this is Lucy O'Brien and I on set at my previous home in Annapolis when featured on HGTV's Major Move (early pregnant with the girls here).


Let me rewind and tell you how things started before I even got to this new job-anxiety.  I was told by my agent that I "booked" the job so naturally I was excited and nervous.....until they asked for a selfie.  I've been on tape several times in my life and selfies or the camera center on me is not complimentary.  I often look quite unlike myself and wish for a softer angle.  When the selfie was born they weren't thinking of me and that's okay because now I'm pushing 42 and I'm getting more and more aware that this is the body and face I've got and it's not that bad.  Nevertheless I sent my agent the best selfie I had and I was notified I was booked once again. 

In high school I wanted to work and be in magazines but that was another story.  I looked like an animal, a koala bear with braces if you will!  Finally with the braces off, no difference.  I hadn't grown up.  Time for having a family and working in the business would have to wait.  Cut to 2015: after arriving in Lancaster for the shoot, my anxieties would be put to rest when the producer on the job liked my clothes, liked the make up and hair job I did and was satisfied with my work on set.  It didn't hurt that I got to work with little Ava and she was the same age as my daughters!  Easy, I got this.  I'll ask her all about the stuff five year olds love.  Princesses, Mile from Tomorrow, and yummy foods!  Done, the shoot was a success!!  I drove home smiling.

I cannot believe it's been 24 years since high school-really could that be?  I'm going to be 42 and I'm trying to have a baby and I'm thrilled. Yes that's true. For the women out there who met their partners late in life, I too salute you and your quest to complete your family. Recently, during my mock embryo transfer, I was explaining to the doctor on call that it may not be fair of me to ask for another child; to want for another after being blessed with twin girls is to ask for another winning lottery ticket.

She calmed my fears by telling me that if it's what I want to complete our family and bring more joy into our household then so be it.  It's my choice.

11 days of a intra muscular shot called LUPRON (this tells the ovaries to be quiet) :)
14 more days of intra muscular shots of DEL ESTROGEN and PROGESTERON IN OIL
Multiple monitoring dates for blood work and ultrasound
Two mock embryo transfers; one to review possible scar tissue from first mock
May 8th Transfer date of embryo

In between there is acupuncture for fertility, lots of healthy eating (this isn't working out so well), wheat germ, spinach, walnuts, lots of warm foods, raspberry leaf tea (yoga for the uterus), grape seed extract, fish oils, and nice long walks to keep me calm.  We're hoping for another healthy miracle!

For more information on Frozen Embryo Transfers at Shady Grove Fertility, please go to

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats a new job and creating a fantastic family!!