Monday, August 25, 2014

My visit to the Anne Arundel County Farmers' Market-Support your local Farmer

Who could of told me when I moved back to Annapolis in January that my local farmers market would be so delicious?  With all the apprehension I had about leaving Pawling New York and it's lovely sense of community, I have to say I've been pleasantly pleased with all the changes Annapolis has made!

My trip last week to the farmers market was needed.  The kids are about to start a new school year, our budget has been reviewed and our little garden in the backyard is only producing tomatoes and a little cucumber or two.  It's always been my goal to check out the farmer's market; I'd see the signs and make a mental note, always finding myself back at the grocery store for expensive produce that sometimes never gets eaten.  As I evolve I'm more conscious of the world we live in and how it affects so many others in our community and far beyond the reaches of my home state.

It was an absolute joy to make the decision to pursue the Anne Arundel County Farmers' Market last Tuesday.  Opening up at 7 am, which gives us early risers the opportunity at the best produce, I was able to nab this photo and talk to the farmer's a bit.  How amazing are these folks?  They live and breathe their work and are proud of their family's heritage; some farms being passed onto the next generation because their parents are too old to tend to it.  I spoke to one lady who has taken over her parents farm, her and her husband running the day to day operations; she almost cried telling me that it takes a village to keep the farm alive and profitable. There I bought apples and pears-the pears not quite ripe but alive with color.

Every table at the farmers market was vibrant, organized and the prices very reasonable.  I walked up the aisle twice, only to come back to a small elderly man who has manned his farm in Davidsonville for over 32 years.  Being born in Germany, he told me the farmers' fought for this space, he didn't think it was going to happen, there space on Riva Road but it did and it kept some coin in their pocket.  With a slight accent and a charming disposition, this guy had me buying his red potatoes and corn.  Another customer talked about how he buys this man's radishes every week that their the best radishes he's ever tasted.  I actually think I saw this old farmer smile, with his suspenders and old floppy hat, he was covered with dirt from I'm sure his early morning pickings.  What a sweet guy, he reminded me of my Grandfather Harold but without the cursing!

I was good friends with a girl in high school and her father was a dairy farmer. I never quite got it then but I do now.  It's a love affair with the land.  It's pride when something you plant arrives and people can eat it and be healthy.  What a joy.  They gave me for a small price the fruits and vegetables my family needs to grow.  They tilled the soil, planted the seeds, and waited for us to hopefully buy.  I'll definitely be back.

With just $20 I bought a delicious mini cantaloupe (she told me it was much better than the average cantaloupe and it was!), squash, zucchini, cucumber, onion, red potatoes, corn on the cob, and swiss chard!  Happy Eating everyone!

Anne Arundel County Farmers' Market
Riva Road & Harry S. Truman Pkwy
Tuesday: 7:00 am-Noon, May-Oct
Saturday: 7:00 am-Noon, Apr-Dec

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