Friday, October 3, 2014

Coconut Oil-magical for the hair, skin and nails!

Okay, in order for me to have a sweetly decorated life, I have to be fed, watered, and given ample amounts of sun. Do I sound like a plant?  I know I do, like one of those indoor ones.

We'll more often than not, we think we need more than we actually do, when really it's actually pretty simple: we just need the basic things to be happy and so does our skin.  Here's what I'm talking about and more:

Today, Friday October 3rd, I visited Gary's Gardens in Severna Park and Chik-fil-a.  Nice people.  Good food, the sun was out and I love flowers and pumpkins.  I spoke on the Iphone to a couple of my distant friends in far off lands. It was nice. One gf  in New York.  She's lovely and another gf in North Carolina, she's lovely as well.  It's been a great day so far.  It's approaching 2 pm and my husband is home (he works from home four days per week) and he happens to be watching what he can of the Baltimore Orioles playing the Detroit Tigers in the American League playoff series.

He went to the game last night and they won, 12-3.  I'm happy for him.  But tonight is my night with him.  No Oriole game, no hockey game, no Ravens game.  Just he and I.  We will go to dinner together and he will take me to Marshall's to peruse the skin care aisle and yep ladies, he looks too, patiently.  I love it because inevitably I find some cheap form of skin oil/cream that I can take home to try to fix the damage done to my face via sun, smoking, laughing out loud and crying.

Life happens and now at 41 I want to blend the lines around my forehead and stay youthful for as long as I can.  Why you ask?  Because I like the way it looks and feels and that's okay, and it's healthy and good. My sister in law asked me why I get Botox (I haven't for a year) and I told her I want some of the wrinkles smoothed, gone, bye-bye-I don't like them I say.  She then asked me why not enjoy my age and where I am in life?  We'll I do but it's also okay to admit that some of those wrinkles got there from squinting and going through some rough times in my life.  I'm over it and ready to take better care of my skin.  I no longer get Botox but I do love the line of skincare treatments available to us ladies today.

My recent discovery, it's lovely,

Coconut Oil is the main and first ingredient.  I've noticed in just one week my skin looking brighter, more even, and once applied, my skin glows for hours.  I apply it again right after my shower and follow it with DMAE cream on the hands, neck and chest.  I love, love, love this new anti-aging oil!!!

With any skincare regime, try to exercise and eat well and drink water always-

I found it in my Marshall's store for retail $6.99.  Happy Shopping and enjoy.

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