Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Protecting our Children from the Enterovirus 68

I don't mean to scare you.  I watch the news.  I've been watching the news more often lately and I like Anderson Cooper, I can't help it.  My daughters will turn 5 in November. That scares me-I like them home here in our town-the town where I grew up.  They are all growing up so fast, our children.  More in the news: Ebola and Enterovirus 68-I cringe if I hear about another case but we must be prepared and on the lookout.

The latest news, a young boy my girls age dies in New Jersey-he was only four years old-a triplet-he leaves his twin sisters behind.  A tragic loss for the family and those close to him-a loss for everyone.  The link below is not related to the child in New Jersey but to a previous loss.  Dr. Sanjay Gupta does discuss the virus here.

My husband is a big fan of washing hands.  Believe it or not and my loving mother will say I was taught to wash my hands but I absolutely disagree, my younger brother and I were not taught to wash our hands as a precaution.  We just didn't. When we were young, we lived all summer by the beach in a small neighboring city called Mayo, where Nanny Gwen lived, by the beach.  I cut my right foot in the surf there one summer-sliced deep by a beer bottle.

I remember my Nanny Gwen running to the beach to catapult me into the ambulance, her bravado running in the summer wind, no fear, running to save me. She was my hero.  No infection, no weird disease from the sand, just a few stitches in the 1970's. I'll never forget the day or how strong she looked that day.  Thank you Nanny for everything.  Nanny's been gone for a while now. We all miss her.

In 5th grade, I ran smack into a running mate on recess and my nose obliterated, his head needing several stitches and a young fellow 5th grader named Cynthia, in her white eyelet cardigan coming to my rescue, running me into the nurses office, her cardigan soaked with my blood. I required plastic surgery that day. She was my hero that day.  A special thanks to Dr. Strawberry for my nose. (1984)

Today in 2014 we have much more to worry about. The CDC recommends "avoiding those who are sick" since the virus is spread through saliva and phlegm as well as stool and they say washing hands is most important.  Stating that sick people can avoid spreading the virus by covering their nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing cannot be overstated.  Cleaning surfaces and toys is another important measure for prevention.

I don't think when we signed up as parents, we thought heroes would be beside our names but aren't we supposed to be-helping our children along the way, teaching them, preventing illness, preparing them for the world, being safe, looking out and with hope-We must.  I'm glad I waited until I was 36 to have children.  They have my life now.  As my friend Ron Minor says, "Steph, your blessed" and so I am..............................

I hope this blog did not offend anyone in anyway.  My goal is to inform and educate.  I pray for the family in New Jersey and all the families who have experienced pain and loss due to this virus.

Nanny Gwen and her birthday cake for me.  Look at my little cousin Cody.  I've always loved babies.

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