Monday, December 8, 2014

A NYC Tradition-the Tree at Rockefeller Center & Ice Skating-what are your Xmas Traditions?

Hanging on by a thread!
I love that each holiday we will be trekking up north with our twin daughters to see the lights and holiday action of New York City ! Why not I say?  My hubby loves Manhattan so we go there without fail and his idea is to take them every year to 30 Rock to see the big tree, ice skate, and get a hot dinner to top the night off.  My daughters love the city as well so that makes it somewhat easy but there are loads of others who with kids just can't make it work.  It's me who now takes it in stride after twenty years of failed auditions and sore feet (I nailed one though, still no agent!).  If you do find yourself lured by the bright lights and exciting life of Manhattan, with kids, you need these Five Essentials! (wine sold separately)

Here is my TOP FIVE MUST HAVE'S for Surviving NYC with your Kids 
1) A Double Stroller with storage-this politely moves people out of the way, (most times) and they think a baby is in there, it also doubles as storage for all your packages and coffee cups you no longer want to handle!

2) Warm Blankets.  If it's cold there, you will suffer.  The last trip we took the week before Christmas, we were without warm anything.  The weather was just right but should it show any signs of snow or wind, you gotta have face warmth!  Oh and you can fix your hair in any warm NYC restaurant bathroom. Wear a hat!
3) Bring Vitamin C Lollipops for the kids.  When you are browsing any store that has nothing to do with them, they will be slightly bored if not bored out of their minds. Lollipops keep them busy, no lollipop crushers allowed!!!  Make it last kiddos. (additional snacks are an excellent idea as well)
4) A GPS on your Smart Phone.  Most I Phones do so it's easy.  When we lost direction in finding our hot holiday meal, I was on the GPS app on my phone immediately and voila, I was at my Spot: Rosie O'Grady's on 52nd.  The parmesan crusted sole to die for! 
5) A Savvy Person who likes New York.  I'm lucky because my husband loves NYC and knows the areas fairly well.  He doesn't mind crowds and because he happens to be tall and strong, he gets through a crowd with ease.  If this is not your case, bring with you very confident people who are tall, don't mind hoards of people and like nightlife because this city isn't easy!  My kids happen to love it!
If none of that happens and you end up cold, tired and stressed from your New York City adventure or tree cutting extravaganza or any holiday party, don't worry it will be over in a month and you'll be wondering when the next party is............................
If you feel up to it, tell me about your holiday traditions outside of the house and how you survive with kids, what makes it special to you and what memories were made.......

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