Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Nanny Gwen's Pineapple Pie

Nanny, Skyline Drive, Virginia
My birthday is on the rise and for it, my Nanny, my Mom's mom, would make what I still call a decadent summer dessert.  Actually it wasn't just reserved for summer it was all year long or for another son or daughter's birthday or graduation, all the grandchildren got a taste of the pineapple pie.  It was hard to wait for this dessert to come out of the fridge. We just knew it would make happy faces and delightful tummies.  It was made with love.

It was also a perfect dessert in my book; it allowed for hot summer days and in the winter it reminded us of Hawaii where Aunt Joan use to live; where pineapples were just a hop, skip, and a jump away at the Dole Factory.  Nanny did this recipe well and I'm proud to introduce it to my girls and hope one day they pass it onto their children.

My Nanny Gwen will always be missed for her objective humor, quick wit, and to all the children she nannied', she was the beach!  She passed away in 1997 and suffered to Alzheimer's.  One of my babies is named for her.

Nanny Gwen's Pineapple Pie

1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 can of chunk pineapple
1/4 cup pineapple juice
2  Ready Made Graham Cracker pie crusts

Mix these ingredients slowly
Add 1 16oz container of Cool Whip
Add to 2 Ready Made Pie Crusts
Refrigerate for 2 hours, slice and enjoy with family and friends.  It makes two pies.

Video of recipe to come.  This should prove hilarious.

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