Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Taking down those trees that threaten your Home. Replacing it with beauty.

Overpowering our House
I don't think anyone wants to take down a tree or do they?   If it comes to that then we must.  We had a monstrous tulip poplar tree standing close to oh I don't know 200 feet or so.  It made its presence known in our backyard and owned its stance there first.  I'd say in the late 1700's maybe.  It was gigantic, something reminiscent of Lord of the Rings.  It was taken over by ivy and it littered our backyard with these little bulb like things-what were supposed to be the flowers, the tulips I guess.  It was ugly.  We had plenty of shade from our neighboring trees so this one needed to go.  It stood direct center to my daughters' room, the living room, the foyer of the home.  It had to go, now.

I knew this for some time.  I guess I just thought that after two tree experts assessed it and said that it was strong, I guess that was good enough for me.  My husband leaves each week for Philadelphia; he's gone maybe 1-2 days for meetings and whenever he leaves, there is always a storm.  Sometimes those storms are wind storms and I wasn't waiting for that tree to land on my house.  No, no I said, I would find the right guy to tell me the tree was bad and bad it was.  When we yelled Timber! and the worker guys gave it a go, it was rotten solid through the core up to 10 feet!  Thank goodness it fell straight between the fence parts they removed!  I clapped with relief and later, shortly later tears fell down my cheeks because I did something right, something right for my family and I knew it the moment that poplar tree fell.  Hallelujah I say it's gone.  

Another company in affiliation will take the healthy wood to a factory in Lancaster, PA where they will make kitchen cabinets with it.  We decided to use half of the tree to create wood chips for the out of control brush next to our property which is littered with snakes and possibly other snide creatures.  They need to go too.  For now, I'm happy that the tree is gone.  We've started placing the wood chips where they need to go to eradicate years and years of weeds that have overtaken the abandoned property next to us.  Can anyone say yuck..............

Sometimes we have to do the hard work to keep our family safe indoors and out.  It's not fun all the time but in the long run, the cost and time involved saves us the heartache later.  I'm so glad I called the company out of the Clipper Magazine and with the 25% off coupon and the fact that this is his company three times removed makes me heave another sigh of relief.  I could go on and on...................here are the photos. Don't judge me please!  I felt bad for the tree on some earthy level. We plan to plant a crimson maple in the front yard in exchange.
Making the cuts

10 feet of rot right up the middle!

A special thanks to iTree Services of Severna Park, Maryland and to Leon for calming me down!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Even though the pic shows the rot going up the middle, that was pretty. :-) You did the right thing, Mama Bear. Keeping the family safe is the most important factor. Although it is sad to see it go, planting one aa family will teach your girls so much and it will be fun to watch that one grow!