Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Heading to the Consignment Store for Back to School-why pay more somewhere else?

Grateful for this Shop
I have found love at this shop in my hometown.  Annapolis, Maryland has always been a place where you could shop and find a bargain but never designer duds on a budget: enter Return to Oz Consignments.  The ladies who own this little palace pack quite a punch-they know what they're doing and they get it done. They get your goods entered into their system after you drop them off and they ascertain how much they're worth. Bye Bye bags.....I'll wait. I'm sure it's good news.

I say why not?  I don't mind earning something for the clothes, shoes, and household items that I don't want to turn over to The Goodwill.  I like the idea that whatever they don't take into their store in inventory they donate to charity (a local church mission).  That's good news.

My girls love going to Return to Oz.  They know there is stuff to play with and dress up costumes, books, and a kids' table for coloring.  The employees there all are familiar faces and that makes me feel good because I know when I head up to find out if I've made money, I find a familiar face, ahhh.  They know what they're doing, how the operation works and what if any is the balance due, "Mrs. McCoy, you made $25"!  I love it.  Today I went in for a bathing suit for our trip to Disney World in October-I wasn't looking for back to school clothes in particular or shoes but there were plenty of choices. That's what I love about bargain hunting in thrift and/or consignment stores: you never know what your going to find.  I guess that's why they call it "the thrill of the hunt."

There are lessons in the thrill of the hunt for your children too:  never pay full price for an item you need or love or have to have.  I travel to flea markets, yard sales sometimes, but mostly to consignment shops and this one is right in the center of all things: West Street in Annapolis; it's hard not to stop by.  The clothes and some toys on the front steps of this old house are enchanting; the racks beckoning me in.  For just a little, you can come away with a lot and still have money left over to take to Disney World!  I like that idea.

I got my swimsuit-a mom suit now; it's conservative, it moves and compliments my body shape.  It's not beautiful but it's well made and it'll do.  It's about my kids now, sometimes me, more times them.  I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Smile now, shopping done.  Kids go to pre-k in two days.

clothes galore!

Return to Oz Consignments
2011 West St, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 266-9390

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