Monday, August 4, 2014

Attending Luckett's Big Flea Market (Leesburg, VA)

The road to the Old Luckett's Store
Yep you said it, Design House and my forehead
When I shop flea market's, I too have ideas in mind for what I need in my house and garden but never gifts for Christmas!  Here at Luckett's I was sandwiched (thankfully) besides two jewelry makers, albeit two very different jewelry makers.  I'm really glad it wasn't a French country booth or someone who sold these beautiful vintage doors as you see above.  That wouldn't be fair because I would get no selling accomplished!

I love antiques, I love old stuff, I love interior design and architecture, probably always have.  I think that was inspired by my Mom's love of comfortable home.  We always had nice homes, beautifully decorated, antiques sprinkled here and there and my Mom's reupholstered items on view because we couldn't afford to buy new furniture!

I didn't know any different as a teen so it didn't matter, it all added up to a unique and pulled together look. It felt right and I think there I was inspired to make interior design love.  Lately and for the last 15 years I've also dabbled in refinishing furniture.  I get a kick out of it.  The power sander is awesome and white paint even better.  You can use sponges, old paint brushes and if you have them lying around your kids' paint brushes (they handle the details like a PRO!).

This past July I had the privilege and honor of finishing my clients secretary and mirror for her Maryland beach house.  I believe sometime in early summer I thought I would follow my dreams and start my home decor business and it might start with attending Luckett's Design House & Flea Market August 1-3rd.
The finished product
I cannot express how excited I was to be a part of what Luckett's was doing with clients and customers so I signed up, paid my booth fee and chartered what I'd be packing in my mini-van!  Oh the possibilities are endless so my brain started working in overtime!  I'm glad it's over though. I know I cut right to the chase there didn't I?

Besides the weather being hot and humid and the customers being very selective in their choices (I can relate!) it was a very productive weekend.  I sold quite a few chalkboard signs and frames, some old still life floral prints on canvas and my custom children's chalkboard table!  Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had success and it felt great but even better were the neighbors to both sides of me.  The human condition for the most part is a good thing and it operates nicely when all parties are in agreement.  For example,

When I arrived at the flea market, my new neighbor helped me set up my tent, she helped me with the layout of my tent and she even offered to keep my wares in her tent overnight just in case it rained!  She was a lifesaver, just the kind of neighbor you want on a rainy day!  Okay great I thought this is going well.

My other neighbor just to the left of me kindly paid it forward by packaging up one of her lovely necklaces as a gift to my best gal pal from Jersey whose turning 50 in September.  It was her treat for all the free leads and festivals I thought she could attend in Annapolis!  She and I were both grateful for the encouragement and positive talk we both gave one another.  She so wanted my chairs to sell and I so didn't want to take them back to Annapolis with me but for some reason or another for $35 a chair, my lovely Parson Chairs weren't budging.  Bummer.
Pretty right?
All in all I'm glad I did it and I would do it again.  Luckett's was supportive too.  My Mom who attended the first two days with me got a flat tire along the way and a Luckett's man in a hot pink shirt named Henry was willing to change it for her.  Due to the heat my Mom stayed clear of the tent on Sunday and I ended up selling most of the rest of her pink Depression glass.  She was happy and I was happy for her.  Isn't the friendships and bonding that occurs over these type of events, isn't that what it's really about?  I meant the money of course is great and we can sock it away in our kids college funds or pay a bill but the moment we forget to be human and help another person, we loose a part of us somewhere.  I gained so much from this weekend at Luckett's and for that I'm eternally grateful.

For more information on the Old Luckett's Antiques Store in Leesburg, VA please go to

Happy Antiquing on the road and be safe out there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for a great weekend! And I will be sure to continue following this amazing blog!