Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Dinner Family Favorite! Penne with Ham, Peas and Lemon Cream

I don't usually post photos of food and I'm not sure I've ever blogged about food.  The picture may not look appetizing because I believe nothing says it better than tasting it yourself......I'm also not a foodie by any stretch but I do like to eat good food (it must be served HOT though!) and dine out wherever I am in my travels.  I do cook and occasionally I'll be posting my favorite recipes that I like to make up at home and the meals I love to have out.

You know Easter is just around the corner so if your tired of either serving or eating the same old meals and you want to switch it up, this is a switch hitter for my family.  They love anything made with the penne noodle and this meal is no exception. It combines a green veggie and a multi-grain noodle so you can't loose, just keep in mind portion control because even I go crazy over this dish! (I had 3 helpings this week!)

The only item this recipe absolutely can't go without is the heavy cream. It makes the dish work and the outcome is melt in your mouth amazing. The recipe follows.  It may look complicated but it's all done in a simple 12 inch saute pan (my favorite by Food Network).  Have fun!

Serves 4

2 Tbsp butter                                       1 cup frozen peas, thawed
3 shallots, minced                               4 oz diced ham
3/4 cup chicken broth                      2 Tbsp chopped parsley
3/4 heavy or whipping cream       1 pkg Multi-grain Penne, cooked according to package
1 tsp grated lemon peel                    1Tbsp fresh lemon juice

Melt butter in large skillet over medium heat.  Add shallots and cook, stirring, until softened-2 minutes.  Add broth, simmer over medium-high heat, 2 minutes.  Add cream and lemon peel.  Simmer until sauce thickens slightly, 3 minutes. Add peas and ham, simmer 2 minutes more.  Add parsley, lemon juice and multi-grain penne to skillet to heat through.  Serve warm in a pretty bowl.

I'll be back to talk about my favorite Rieslings as of late.  A good Riesling is a must have for Easter and then I'll skip back to my amazing Valentine's I'll be crafting with my kids.  I'll provide the how-to's-just do me a favor, share my blog with other readers.  I'm grateful.

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