Monday, January 26, 2015

Our Annapolis Home-a Year Later......

Home-Summer 2014
I'm back to blogging.  I divide my time between my family, my kids (of course), appointments, and now studying online to become an interior designer.  I'm happy but finding time to lifestyle blog has been challenging.

I wanted to happily report that after a year back in Annapolis I'm at peace (except for the garden-that's my next project).  I love my doctors, I love the West Annapolis area where we live, our neighbors are cool, and everything and I mean everything is close.  If I want sushi, it's 5 minutes away.  If I want gymnastic classes for my kids, it's 10 minutes.  If I want an arts festival, its around the corner in the village.  I love the word village. Village literally means a small town in that country, a community of fellows and it's inhabitants.

I live outside of that village but I'm accessible to it-quite-so when I don't shop local, here are my favorite stores for deals.  It makes life so much easier, when I only have to drive 10 minutes to the mall.  When you have small children, it's absolutely essential.  Here are my favorites for must haves around the house.

Marshall's/TJ Maxx

Home Goods

Pottery Barn

I know it may seem obvious but these lovely stores hold low cost solutions to setting up your new home and how it will, look, feel and function. Pottery Barn is on the higher end but get on their local email list and you'll get email notifications on floor model sales and design classes.

Pottery Barn is great especially when you carry their card.  They send $25 off coupons off your purchase of $50 or more which can't be beat if you want to update your living room sofa with seasonal pillows.  Because I live close to PB, I'm in there at least once per month for INSPIRATION.

I look for layout ideas for bedrooms, living rooms and my dining room.  When I come back from my shopping extravaganza I feel inspired and sometimes overwhelmed with ideas.  It's important to take an honest evaluation of what you currently have stored, used in other rooms, and hidden in your basement.  You don't have to solely use your new items.  Rearranging and rotating is another great way to stay current with your decor and style.

Okay, now that my home feel satisfying after one year hauling, moving, rearranging, and lots of paint, I'm ready to cook again, I think.  Tonight my kids want pasta (is that different from any other night?) so my go to dish-the one that they absolutely love is..............Penne Pasta with lemon cream, green peas and succulent ham.  Yummy.  Full recipe, next blog.

A Sweetly Decorated Life begins with being inspired.  What inspires you?  Do what you love and the rest will fall into place.

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