Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hell's Kitchen Flea Market and that one dress

When I visit the great big and wonderful New York City, I never get to a flea market and Hell's Kitchen Flea Market on 39th & Ninth Avenue was a special surprise!  It was on my to-do list in life and voila, I stumbled upon it!  My partner in life, husband and soul mate (lucky me!) and official photographer of this blog gave me a special birthday trip to the city which included a cruise around the Statue of Liberty and a Broadway show! But no one ever mentioned the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market................happy.

Part of the trip was funded by his employer and HBO and the other, us.  I couldn't wait to get back to the city again.....the excitement, the people, the action, all of it bustling with activity and wonder. A flea market: bonus.

As Patrick and I headed out after a yummy omelet at Lenny's we turned a couple of corners and what do you know, we ran into the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market!  Okay this is when I shut down with my husband.  Like most people who shop a flea market, you should get focused, have your dollars stashed away, and be ready to make the deal.  I was not prepared for this.  We moved from the Hudson Valley part of New York so I was always ready to purchase.  Here I was in a constant daze.  The weather was overcast and the booths were lined up like soldiers ready to attack.  This is New York City I say to myself.  I got this. I got this.  My husband is so super confident and skilled at handling my meandering, it's not unlikely that we get separated and ultimately he finds me pondering at item only to tell me, I wouldn't.  He means, "I wouldn't buy that......I wouldn't buy that waste of time.....I wouldn't it's junk." He knows.

In Patterson, NY  at the Patterson Flea Market I was famous for coming back home with something.  Even my kids would come back with the cutest things, an iconic children's storybook or an adorable Beanie (wash these once at home) but as luck would have it, I was not having much chutzpa at the HK market.  As a matter of fact I was searching for some kind of a buy.....desperate for a piece of McCoy Pottery to scream out BUY ME but I managed to avoid those purchases too!  After a satisfying run along the Hudson River to downtown Manhattan, I promised myself I would return to HK and be successful and thus I was.  Smile.

Walking to a tent filled with Indian clothing, I happily stumbled upon a pretty little dressy number, a dressy number just my style.  Totally casual with flowers, very Woodstock.  The lovely lady running her shop gave it away for $10.  I was one happy Momma and will decorate my dressy number with long gold and silver chains I've inherited over the years.  Sweetly Decorated, just the way I like life and my surroundings.  What do you look for at flea markets?  Please share with me, I'd love to hear about it!  For more information on the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market go to 

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