Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"What to Expect When You're Expecting", a warm hug and wisdom

I was extremely fortunate to meet the incredibly wise author and mother to all Heidi Murkoff. I don't find myself at many trade shows but in my career as a former struggling model/actress/struggling writer I've had the good fortune to meet several talented authors, actors and musicians. Let's just say I've been extremely blessed.......

On a 15 minute break from working the booth at Miralax (the powder that helps you go potty) I was able to walk the show floor and explore the various booths in attendance at the annual Pediatrics show. I saw stacks of the books "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and people crowded around an obviously pretty lady: the author, Heidi Murkoff.

I'm not sure what propelled me to fall into her arms and divulge my current terrible two woes concerning my twin daughters but as fate would have it, I would confess my wrongdoings as a parent and hopefully Heidi would offer up some miracle cure as to when my girls would subside in going 15 rounds with one another. :)

I was graciously given a warm hug and told it would get better.  She did ask me how I was handling it and praised me for how I've handled it thus far. I can't remember exactly what advice she gave but I do remember feeling relieved I met her and then she signed a copy of her book " What to Expect the Second Year."  I left the trade show floor at 4 pm with the other zillions of imports fleeing D.C. to get home to their families thinking how thankful I was for that meeting with Heidi Murkoff, how safe I felt in telling her about my failings as a parent and how grateful I am for my husband and sweet little daughters. Nothing is perfect in family life. We have to remember that. Sometimes the tough parenting is the hardest part and the sweet stuff follows-you hope and pray and that's all you can do. It turns out, I'm in the throws of the terrible 4 1/2's......

Remember Billy, he's doing the best that he can." -Ethel Thayer, On Golden Pond-1984 (my favorite film)

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