Monday, July 7, 2014

Rockin' the July 4th Party Table!

When I host a party, it has to be over the top!  I like decorations, I like festivity, and I LOVE food.  For me it's not enough to have hot dogs and hamburgers, turn on the grill and invite guests over (and not necessarily in that order).  I have to research recipes, go shopping at the last minute and run around like a crazy person for my guests!  This is TRUE and sometimes there is no stopping me.  I think I got a lot of looks in the grocery store but I was on a mission and actually so were the other customers!  Can anyone say where are the thin crips pretzel thins!!!!!

My table. 

But I love to see people happy and once the hard work is done, it's worth every happy smile at the end of a long day.  The weather for our party was impeccable.  A nice sunny breeze, my kids were happy and painted with red, white and blue stickers and the guests were beginning to arrive.  My husband and I love music playing in the background so there's no shortage of a variety of pop, jazz, and contemporary tunes playing from our INano.

I use burlap runners, lots of candles, and colorful plates and serve ware.  My history with chalkboard announcement placards have been the favorites of my customers.  They love what I do with chalkboard paint and even though this may seem like a passing trend, I reassure you it's not.  Chalkboards have been around for years and years and I don't think they're going anywhere!  We've just found new uses for them.

For example, my little signs were crafted from little pieces of pine wood from the dollar store and then spray painted black and attached with a popsicle stick.  Thanks to my daughter's for saving all those refreshing sticks for later uses.  I always preach Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!!!

There was dancing, horseshoeing, sparklers and bubbles.  After an article on the Maxwell family in Better Homes and Gardens (July 2014), I just knew I wanted to recreate a 4th of July memory worth waiting for next year!  I think our family and friends will want to come back for our party next year and how about this, no pesky bugs were present!  It was just a great day overall; the food, the smiles everywhere, and even the neighbors came over for a while...... a blessing not just for our family but thankful for our founding fathers for not giving up.  :)

Sophie and Mommy, photo by Marie Lilly

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