Monday, February 9, 2015

An Amazing Riesling for Valentine's Day

Chateau Ste. Michelle
I'm not a wine expert, not even close.  There are so many folks out there that know wine.  That's not me.  I've attended wine festivals, wine and art festivals, toured vineyards, even co hosted a wine lifestyle television show (Racing through Wine Country) but I drink wine and enjoy it. My friends like it, my husband likes it now; it's become a cultural phenomenon.

My husband is a dear because on his way home from meetings in Philadelphia, he'll stop by our local wine store, (Rite Aid!) and pick up several bottles of new vintages-ones we've never tried before.  I love when he chooses smaller bottles of this or that.  It's the discovery of new wines, what they stand for and the packaging, oh the packaging that make a bottle of wine interesting.  If it tastes good and you want another sip, it's the icing on the cake for the night.  Ahhhhh

Recently, this bottle of Chateau Ste. Michelle topped my favorites list!  It's bottled out of Washington State, where I hear the grapes are outstanding (they have good temps for wine production)?  Wine experts always have an opinion and good for them because they should if wine is their specialty.  I always say there is a lid for every pot.......I just know when I drink a wine if it tastes good to my palette and this one didn't need anything else but to be poured.  Enjoy your life always.

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