Tuesday, February 10, 2015

An Energetic & Healthy Mom Breakfast-My Saving Grace

When I'm feeling worn down and need some good old fashioned energy, this is the ultimate easy breakfast dish.  I hope it helps you achieve your goals or to simply put away that pile of laundry that's staring you in the face!  Pictures to come!

Kale & Spinach, Fried Egg and Potato Plate

1) Microwave a small to medium size Idaho Potato (your preference here)
2) Sprinkle Extra Virgin Olive Oil on kale and spinach leaves.  Use a dinner plate here.  Pile on the leaves-they are a super food!  You can't go wrong!
3) Sprinkle a bit of oil in frying pan and fry yourself an egg girl.  It doesn't take long.
4) Careful your potato will be hot-place atop the spinach and kale.  Slice potato.
5) Lay fried egg on top and cut into slices. Sprinkle Pink Himalayan salt, ground black pepper and a little garlic salt on top and Voila' you have breakfast!

For an added punch and healthy fats, slice up an avocado. They're great for your skin, hair and nails. My kids love avocado!

This breakfast melts in your mouth and it's good for you.  Try it-the kale wasn't as bitter as I thought it would be.  I usually use spinach as it always delivers.  Adding the olive oil disguises the bitter taste that sometimes kale has.

Don't forget to take your multi-vitamin and drink plenty of cold water!  Let the day begin and watch out people!  Your a warrior!

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