Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Must-See film, "Do You Believe?"

I'm not much for films that make me cry.  Why?  It's not really important-this film proved that I'm a person whose up for crying now and I'm ready to take my faith to the next level.

The movie: 12 lives intersecting. One path. How are all of these people going to meet one another in this life?  The ultimate question begs to be answered "What do you believe" and what journey are you on now, what challenges do you face and what are you going to do about it; how all of these folks' lives intertwine will have you asking the question, Why Didn't I Believe Sooner?" 

Because I've worked on movies, I almost always have a negative view point on how they're going to turn out.  It's not the way movies use to be made-with an unnerving way to make you feel something monumental (good actors a must here). You had a goal in watching the film-to be floored; to be amazed or in awe or leave the cinema saying "that was awesome!'

The films of yesteryear like "On Golden Pond" and "The Sound of Music" moved me like no other films would and that's uniquely how I want to feel when I watch a movie. The acting is great, the writing is solid, the film moves and shakes you in a way to garner your incestuous response and you ride along, waiting to see how the characters will do.  Will they make it?  Will they win or lose?  I'm always rooting for the honest characters to win.  I love a happy ending.  Don't we all and yet why don't we want that for ourselves?

Cut to a beginning scene in "Do You Believe?": Hospital Emergency Room
When a struggling homeless single mother and her only daughter are waiting to be seen in an emergency room and the man sitting next to them starts innocent conversation with the young girl, it's not long before the viewer of the film jumps on board. What is his intention?  How will a mother who is so obviously struggling in her own beliefs about how she got to where she is contend with this grow man approaching her young sick daughter?  Is it innocent?  Does she trust him?  What will the outcome be? 

We have become a cynical world.  We don't trust.  I see it all the time everywhere I go.  Where is our strength?  Why do we live for validation from others?  Where do our belief systems and values come from? 

The film "Do you Believe?" takes you to 12 unique stories and how these people and their unique lives ultimately come together.  It is amazing people.  In our own lives, their stories are unfolding all around us but what are we doing about it?

Cut to My Miracle: I was unsure I would ever become a parent.  I lost two babies.  Horrible.  In 2009 when my twin daughters were born on my fathers birthday just before the stroke of midnight, I knew it was GOD.  Everything that happened that night was through prayers and through faith and love.  I felt blessings at my ripe age of 36.  Peace. All the events and people leading up to that night were no mistake.  No laughing matter.  I was losing blood rapidly.  I thank GOD for the doctors and my family and friends who prayed for me.  I stayed the course.  The girls are healthy and happy and almost six years old! 

I know this is a long blog but I want to thank these people specifically for inspiring a fire of faith in me:  Stephanie Styger-Smith and Stacie Lanier Cratty at Towson University.  To Dina Hutchinson Clark at Kent Island United Methodist Church for being my shepherd. 

I'd like to pay my respects and thank them for much needed prayers during a "finding myself phase" as they are up in heaven now; to Jackie and Keith Davis of Kent Island for their grounded faith and for the fervent prayers.  I miss you two and know you are watching over us all. 

To Weems Creek Baptist Church of Annapolis. The spirit is there.  How awesome to walk into a church and feel joy.  Let it be! 

Lastly to my immensely strong man of faith All-Star Husband Patrick who never gave up on me and believed in me from the very beginning.  Patrick not only had the courage to tell me I was daring to go down the wrong road, he stood up for his beliefs and challenged me in mine, reminding me of who I was and who I wanted to be.  I will never look back and I'm grateful for his strength and perseverance during a most difficult time in our lives.  Our marriage is solidly growing in faith and I'm glad we are becoming witnesses for Christ's love. 

What Do You Believe?  Are you on cruise control in your own life?  Are you bitter?  I'm praying for you and that perfect peace that keeps you smiling sincerely.  It's takes some courage but trust me it's worth it. 


A Decorated Mom said...

Love this blog.

Unknown said...

This is one of the best blogs yet! I am happy to be on this journey with you. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Awesome job writing about this movie and it's meaning in your life.

Unknown said...

Deborah Lilly said.....

Great blog. I can't wait to see this movie. You are an awesome writer.

Doug Hanson said...

Stephanie, At the urging of your amazing husband, my wife and I watched, "Do You Believe" tonight. Throughout the moving my "John Wayne" personal took a hit as tears were streaming down my face. But then again, I cry at the grand opening of a super market. The little flags between the light poles get me every time.

Anyway, we loved it and your blog made it that much better. In the middle of the movie I paused it and told my wife, "They don't make movies like this anymore.", so your comments about 'films of yesteryear like "On Golden Pond" and "The Sound of Music", really resonated for me. What came to mind for me was the TV series, "Little House On The Prarie." Yea, it was a bit corny, but where kids and families get that kind of grounded message in today's world, especially if they don't go to church? You're right on track with your comments. I also loved how open and transparent you were about your past challenges, your breakthroughs, your genuine appreciation for those that were there for you, and your love for Patrick. All very touching, AND inspiring.

Thanks for you amazing summary of the story and your questions that make us think. You have a beautiful spirit and God is working his magic through you, your blog, and your amazing family.