Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Three Hair Masks for Over Stressed Summer Hair

Use once a week, 'doubles' hair growth

I've got three top notch hair remedies and all three come from good sources.  On a recent trip to New York, my husband and I had the chance to sit down and chat with a woman who underwent a year long transformation to loose weight and get healthy before her and her husband decided to have children.  I asked her what her secret was for long, beautiful, shiny hair and this mask is what she told me she used.  She swore by it and all natural biotin and Shea Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner! 

I think you'll love these remedies and you and I will both see longer healther hair.  Bye Bye Summer, Hello Fall Healthy Hair!

Second Hair Mask
Olive Oil (tbsp.)
Conconut Oil (tbsp.)

Use once per week or every other week.
*I use Dr. Bronner's Magic All-One Fair Trade & Organic Coconut oil

Great for the skin and eating!
The Third Mask
1 ripe Avacado
2 Tbsp plain yogurt (any type)
2 tsp pure honey

1. Blend ingredients in a shallow bowl to make a smooth paste.
2. Massage mixture into damp hair and then cover with a shower cap or old cotton towel.
3. Let mixture soak into hair for 20 minutes, then rinse and shampoo.

The yogurt has lactic acid which gently cleanses the hair and the avocado-honey mixture is rich in oils and the avacados restore shine and moisture.  Use weekly to repair damage caused by sun, chlorine, and saltwater. 

Your hair will say thank you! 

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